

Election Year Reminder

          This is an election year. Our bylaws allow political signs to be displayed for 30 days before the election and must be removed 24 hours after. Please refer to the bylaws posted on our website as to the size and placement of signs. Architectural Control Policy Guidelines Item 28-Signs.


Sidewalk reminder 
    As to who is responsible for the maintenance of the sidewalks and curb strips, the Township has adopted an ordinance that places that responsibility on to the adjacent Lot Owner. The ordinance, which amends the International Property Maintenance Code, provides as follows:  

             302.3.1 Duty of owner. In accordance with N.J.SA. 40:65-1 et seq., the owner or owners of any premises in the municipality abutting a sidewalk or curb shall be responsible for the construction and reconstruction, paving and repaving, curbing