Activities Update

Activities Meeting for April 2024 

MJ opened the meeting and gave the Treasurer’s report since Nancy F was not present.
The balance in the Activities account is $$1685.15 as of this date.
March minutes were put online and there were no corrections or additions.
The Baby Picture contest closed as of April 24 th . Now residents have to submit their
ballot to guess who is who. The top three people who have correct guesses will be
given prizes at the Pool Opening Party on May 25 th .
Sue G and Bessie F have everything prepared for the Cinco de Mayo party on May 4 th
beginning at 5:30pm. Volunteers are needed for setting up, decorating and serving and
have stepped forward.
Michelle J and Coleen A have made all arrangements for the Pool Opening Party on
Saturday, May 25 th . Volunteers for decorating and setting up should meet at the Pool at
8:30am on the 25 th . Party starts at 10am with Breakfast Buffet.
SRB Players have been preparing and will perform on May 31 st . Help will be needed for
setting up the stage and setting up chairs.
Our first annual Pet Parade will take place on Sunday, June 2 nd at 2:00pm. A sign up
sheet is in the Clubhouse entryway. Thereesa D. is organizing it.
Dueling Pianos is scheduled for Saturday, June 15 th at 5PM It will be an Italian buffet
night at $30.00 pp. $1.00 will go towards our charitable contributions fund.
Pinelands HS will hold their Senior Awards Night on June 11 th at 6pm On behalf of the
Women’s Club and the Activities Committee, Terri Rocco and MJ Piechocki will present
the $500 scholarship to the winner.
The Activitires Committee will look into presenting a Tricky Tray in the Fall to generate
funds for next year’s scholarship to Pinelands HS.
July 13 th will be a Celebrate America Dinner Dance with the SRB Singers singing
patriotic songs. Joe Rocco and his band will also play for the entertainment and
dancing of all ion attendance.
An SRB Yard sale was discussed with all agreeing that having ours on a separate date
than the township will be the best strategy to assure utmost attention and attendance
from any patrons. A date will be determined after May 30 th at 1:00pm